Intermittent Fasting Diet Tips-Is This Diet For You?

The above video is from the all about fasting youtube channel.

Intermittent Fasting Diet Tips-What Is It?

In this post, you’ll get some intermittent fasting diet tips. The intermittent diet is a diet plan that evolved from the 5:2 diet. The key difference is that it restricts your eating to a window of 8 hours each day, rather than 2 days out of the week as the 5:2 plan does. It also doesn’t restrict your calorie intake during those 8 hours, which makes it easier to comply with, but also raises questions about whether or not this is doing enough for weight loss.

Following this routine may help you become healthier and more in tune with how much you eat during the day and when you’re most hungry.

Intermittent Fasting Diet Tips-Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

1. Helps you get a better picture of your diet patterns. Is it really that big of a deal that you always crave sugar and carbs at 4 PM? If you’re prone to always eating lunch at your desk, maybe one day out of the week set aside some time to eat your lunch outdoors or at a new food joint. It’s kind of like trying something new with your diet to see if you like it better. If it works for you, keep doing it! If not, try something else! Like I said in an earlier article, humans are creatures of habit and make subconscious eating choices without even realizing we’re doing them.

2. Tolerable for more people. If you’re like me, a 2-day diet is something that you can’t stick to because you just get too hungry. The 8-hour eating window still leaves room for snacking in the “off-hours”, which I personally think is something people doing this kind of diet need to help with cravings.

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3. This Is a necessary part of intermittent fasting and vice versa. If you’re not basically skipping breakfast, this diet isn’t going to work because your body will be in starvation mode all day trying to conserve energy and store fat (not burn fat) so that it has food available later when it needs it most.

4. Helps you manage your eating disorder. If you’re someone who suffers from an eating disorder or has a carb/sugar addiction, this diet may be something that’s better for you in the long run because it supports a healthy approach to food and helps you manage your eating disorder in a more positive way.

5. Helps you lose weight faster even if it doesn’t seem like it’s working at first! “What? I’m starving and I feel horrible!” Yes, this is true, but think about how much fat your body stores when it doesn’t know when or if it will have food again. If you manage to skip a meal and lose weight, your body will burn fat instead, which is why it might not seem like you’re losing weight at first.

This can also be used to your advantage. If you are exercising beforehand and eating before this 8-hour window starts, you’ll be able to use the extra energy for cardio if that’s an area of focus for you or just something fun to do.

Intermittent Fasting Diet Tips

Intermittent Fasting Diet Tips-Drawbacks of Intermittent Fasting

1. If done wrong or for too long, can make everything else harder. This is probably one of the main reasons why people don’t take this diet seriously enough. If you’re doing it for too long (which usually means not eating for more than 16 hours) or you don’t eat enough, your body will start to conserve energy and lower your basal metabolic rate. This can interfere with other diets because you will have a harder time sticking to other routines if your body is trying to preserve itself.

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2. Needs more research in order to properly understand how it works and what the long-term effects may be. Because people don’t commit to this diet as much as they do other diets, the science around this is pretty much nonexistent. For a diet that is getting more popular, especially with models and other celebrities, it’s pretty surprising that no one has done any kind of research on this.

3. Is a temporary solution to a permanent problem. If you’re looking for a diet that will allow you to eat anything in moderation, this is not the diet for you. You should be eating healthy foods most of the time and doing this diet only once or twice a week as more of an additional tool rather than the main tool in your belt.

Intermittent Fasting Diet Tips:

1. Figure out how long your fasting window should be first and then look at what kind of foods you can eat during that time frame. As with the 5:2 diet, intermittent fasting is better if you have a plan of what you’re going to eat during your eating window. If you don’t know how long your eating window is, then it might be best for you to work on limiting your intake of sugar and processed foods beforehand so that you may have more room for healthier foods.

2. Eat enough protein in the morning or during the day so that if you do get hungry, it won’t be a desire for carb or sugar savers (such as bread, cereal, pasta, etc) because these can dig themselves into a hole for later in the day.

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3. Eat healthy snacks in the morning or during the day that will keep you from having to binge later. Be sure to eat these if you start feeling hungry because it’s very hard to resist when you’re really hungry!

4. If skipping a meal, drink 100% whole fruit with water before you go back to your normal eating schedule so that you have all the nutrients and vitamins that your body needs at that time.

5. If you’re going to exercise before or after this eating window, it would be good to get enough protein so that if you’re working out you do not feel hungry or low on energy afterward. Grab a peanut butter and honey sandwich on whole-wheat bread, a piece of avocado with some tomato on top, or some eggs.


Intermittent Fasting Diet Tips-A Couple Great Resources

Here are a couple of resources that we recommend if you want to start the intermittent diet. Always consult with your doctor before trying a new diet plan.


The intermittent fasting diet tips 7-week program plan:

intermittent fasting diet tips

Disclaimer: The information in this article is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be used instead of or contrary to that of a medical professional. Before taking supplements, starting a new diet, or embarking on a new exercise regime please consult a medical or nutritional professional. The owners of “Getting Healthy After 50” are not medical professionals and are simply redistributing information that is freely available on the internet. 



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