How To Deal With A Tennis Elbow


How to Deal With a Tennis Elbow

how to deal with a tennis elbow

Tennis elbow is caused by inflammation of a tendon. Resting the elbow can help the tendon heal, but it can take weeks or months. If the pain is tolerable, you can stop doing the activity and let the body heal itself. In the meantime, try anti-inflammatory measures, such as taking ibuprofen or another pain reliever. You can also use ice to reduce swelling and pain, but it should be noted that ice alone will not cure your tennis elbow.


Several home treatment methods for tennis elbow are available. In addition to ice and rest, you can apply a forearm strap or use a splint. Physical therapy can be beneficial to improve muscle strength and flexibility, as well as coordination and endurance. In more severe cases, a physician may prescribe a steroid injection. This can provide temporary relief, but it is not recommended for long-term treatment.

Surgery is another treatment option. Although it can be invasive, arthroscopic procedures use tiny incisions and miniature instruments to remove damaged tissue. This outpatient procedure is often performed on the same day as the patient’s pain. Patients are usually discharged the same day after the procedure and can return to work within a few days. While the recovery time can range from 4 to 6 months, patients should be aware that some pain is inevitable after surgery.

An MRI scan can help determine the extent of damage to the tendon and rule out other injuries. An MRI of the neck can rule out a herniated disk or arthritic changes. Nerve compression can also cause arm pain. A doctor can check for compression of the nerve by measuring electrical activity. These tests can help you determine the best treatment for your tennis elbow. In many cases, physical therapy can help your condition.


Tennis elbow is a common condition involving repetitive movements of the arm. It can be caused by activities like painting, plumbing, and even plumbing. Regardless of what caused the injury, prevention is key. Here are some helpful tips for preventing tennis elbow. Follow these tips for relief of pain and avoid reinjuring your elbow. If you are prone to developing tennis elbow, here are some exercises you should avoid. Listed below are some tips for the prevention of tennis elbow.

Warming up properly and stretching regularly are essential. Stretching the rotator cuff and wrists before performing repetitive motions will prevent injuries. Tight muscles are more likely to become injured than loose and flexible ones. Also, alternate between sports to avoid the development of tennis elbow. And remember to pay attention to the pain. If you feel any pain, stop playing and rest your arm as needed. If you think you may have an injury, see a doctor immediately.

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Avoid repetitive arm movements. People with this condition are often in jobs requiring them to use repetitive motions of the arm. Those who work with a computer mouse may be more likely to develop it. To prevent it, identify the specific motions that cause stress to the elbow and perform them in a different way. If you’re unable to modify your work routine, you can start by modifying your daily activities. By doing so, you’ll be sure to prevent a painful injury from developing.


Treatment for tennis elbow can include resting the arm, taking OTC medicines that reduce pain, using an ice pack to reduce swelling, and applying a compression bandage to the affected area. Gentle stretching exercises can also be performed several times a day. Changes to work and sports habits can also help prevent or lessen the symptoms of tennis elbow. If treatment doesn’t work, surgery can be performed to remove the damaged tendon tissue and repair the joint.

A diagnosis of tennis elbow can only be made with a medical evaluation, and medical imaging is sometimes necessary to rule out other causes. In most cases, however, simple therapies like rest and pain relievers can be helpful. If the symptoms persist, a doctor may prescribe medical therapy. If no other treatments are successful, the condition may resolve without treatment. However, treatment can speed up recovery and alleviate the symptoms. A doctor may recommend physical therapy, exercise, or a combination of these.

Another name for tennis elbow is golfer’s elbow or lateral epicondylitis. This condition occurs when tendons attached to the forearm muscles are overused, leading to inflammation and micro tearing of the tendons. Although the pain from tennis elbow is typically felt when fully extending the forearm, it can occur in a wide variety of occupations. Many people, such as construction workers, have it due to repetitive lifting and gripping tasks.

How To Deal With A Tennis Elbow – X-rays

The doctor may also recommend an MRI to diagnose tennis elbow if you experience lingering pain, or if the pain persists for a year or more. MRI scans provide detailed images of the soft tissues of the body and can reveal signs of muscle and tendon damage. An MRI is also useful in identifying the presence of a herniated disk or arthritic changes in the neck. These conditions may also cause arm pain. A variety of treatment methods are available, including ice and stretching exercises. In serious cases, ultrasound therapy may be performed to identify nerve compression.

MRIs are another alternative to X-rays. Ultrasound can reveal calcifications and degeneration of tendons. Ultrasound can also detect tears in tendons and bone spurs. The imaging process can reveal a range of musculoskeletal problems that may not be evident with X-rays. The MRI takes about 30 minutes to complete. If the condition persists, the physician may perform surgery.

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While x-rays for tennis elbow are not required, it is important to note that there are risks associated with the procedure. Repeated exposure and large doses of x-ray radiation increase the risk of cancer. The radiation used in a tennis elbow x-ray is too low to cause any cancer, but it can help rule out osteoporosis. Patients should always inform their doctor if they are pregnant or planning a pregnancy.


Although most nonsurgical treatments for tennis elbow are effective, a physical exam and an MRI are needed for the most accurate diagnosis. Physical examinations may involve applying gentle pressure to the affected areas, assessing a range of motion, and asking about medical history. An MRI may also show damage to the tendons or bones of the elbow, indicating whether surgery is necessary. The costs of an MRI are well worth the accuracy of the diagnosis and the treatment plan it provides.

The MRI can also show degenerative changes in the tendon, which are more common with chronic dysfunction. The collagen protein in the tendon degrades, making it weaker and less elastic. Chronic dysfunction is characterized by thickening of the tendon, a condition in which excessive loads put pressure on the elbow joint. This condition can be caused by direct trauma, overuse, or an abnormal load. MRIs for tennis elbow are often helpful in identifying degenerative changes in the tendon.

MRIs for tennis elbow should be performed if there is suspicion of a tear in the ligament. A diagnosis of this condition requires a comprehensive evaluation of the elbow. MRIs can detect the presence of lateral ligament injury, a bone fracture, or edema of the wrist extensors. These diagnostic methods can improve clinical management. However, there are still some drawbacks. Both tests can produce similar findings.

Nonsurgical treatment

While there is no one definitive cure for tennis elbow, nonsurgical treatments are available to help relieve the pain associated with this condition. The elbow joint is comprised of three bones: the upper arm bone called the humerus, the forearm bone called the radius, and the ulna. Each of these bones has bony bumps called epicondyles, with the lateral epicondyle located on the outside of the elbow. These bumps are held together by tendons, ligaments, and muscles.

The most common treatment for tennis elbow is nonsurgical therapy. During an office visit, an orthopedist may perform a diagnostic ultrasound to identify the exact nature of the condition. For earlier stages, corticosteroid injections may be administered. However, these treatments have a poor long-term outcomes, including high rates of re-injury and a prolonged recovery time. Physical therapy and rest may be sufficient to treat the condition and help prevent the onset of further problems.

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Nonsurgical treatment for tennis elbow typically takes six to twelve months to work. If nonsurgical treatment fails, surgery may be necessary. This procedure involves removing the damaged tendon and attaching the healthy one to the bone. Both non-surgical and surgical approaches carry risks, but the vast majority of patients improve following nonsurgical treatment. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to repair torn tendons or remove damaged tissues. However, patients should never attempt to push through pain as this may damage the tendon or cause it to tear.


There are two types of surgery for tennis elbow. The open procedure is performed on the elbow. The arthroscopic method involves removing the damaged portion of the tendon by cutting the tendon. However, the open procedure may be more successful. The arthroscopic method is performed through two or three small incisions in the skin. The surgeon uses very tiny instruments to access the bone and remove the damaged tissue. The results of this type of surgery are generally more favorable.

Recovery time after surgery for tennis elbow is long, but it is possible to return to normal activity after six to twelve weeks. During this time, you may have to modify your daily routines, including limiting your physical activity. The surgeon may recommend that you change the type of equipment you use and what activities are linked to your elbow pain. Most people report major improvement following the surgery. However, if your work requires lifting heavy objects or other activities that may cause pain, you should consult with your doctor before undergoing surgery.

This type of surgery is performed by a surgeon who removes the damaged tendon and the bony bump. The remaining healthy tendon tissue is then stitched together using absorbable or non-absorbable sutures. You will be given an arm splint or cast to wear for several days after the surgery. This procedure will take about 30 minutes to complete. In addition, you should avoid smoking before the surgery as it may sluggish recovery.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be used instead of or contrary to that of a medical professional. Before taking supplements, starting a new diet, or embarking on a new exercise regime please consult a medical or nutritional professional. The owners of “Getting Healthy After 50” are not medical professionals and are simply redistributing information that is freely available on the internet.

The video at the top of this post is from the Synergy Wellness Chiropractic & Physical Therapy PLLC Youtube Channel.

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