Why Do My Veins Look Like Bruises


Why Do My Veins Look Like Bruises – What You Should Know

Many people over 50 years old may notice that their veins look like bruises on their legs. For most of these people, this is a harmless development. It is not unusual for blood vessels to be more visible as we age, especially in times of stress or with certain skin conditions.

If you have trouble walking and pain in your leg, there are some other reasons for these symptoms that you should check out too, including peripheral artery disease or venous insufficiency.

Why Do My Veins Look Like Bruises – Here are some tests you can do to find out the reason for your leg vein problems:

-Straight leg raise test.

Lie down and put one foot up on a small table (if need be). Raise that foot about six inches off the floor (as high as you can comfortably get it). Hold this position for about 30 seconds, then relax and repeat the process for a few minutes. Your veins will become more prominent in these exercises. This is not harmful but may be uncomfortable.

-Walking test.

You can also see if you have a problem with varicose veins in a walking test. Walk around for a few minutes, then rest and look at your legs. If you see blue or black veins that are bulging or taut, then you may have venous insufficiency or phlebitis. If the veins go back to normal after a few minutes of rest, then there is no problem. Walk a little longer if they still seem to be swollen. If they bulge out again, you may have one of these conditions and you should get it checked by a doctor.

-Skin exam.

Examine your leg for skin conditions that would cause bruises or swell in your veins. Swelling could be caused by a skin infection, varicose veins, a problem with the valves in the veins or even liver disease.

If none of these conditions why take one’s doctors into consideration when they ask a patient age 50 and over about their health concerns. When you notice bruising on your legs, it is time to find out what you can do to prevent these problems from happening so often. If you have varicose veins or painful varicose veins, this article should help you understand why that happens as well as what treatment options are available for each condition.

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Why Do My Veins Look Like Bruises

Notify your doctor if you have severe symptoms of varicose veins such as severe swelling or pain in your legs after only a few minutes of walking.

Notify your doctor if you have unusual bruising on your legs, leg pain that lasts longer than a week, or heat sensations while walking. You may have varicose veins if you have these problems.

Why Do My Veins Look Like Bruises – Here are some reasons your veins may look like bruises.

Varicose veins are abnormal veins that appear large and distorted causing discomfort during walking or exercise.

Early signs of venous insufficiency include swelling, unexplained leg or foot pain, rapid weight gain, and swelling in the calves. signs include a very dark area with faint blue or black veins on the skin surface. Deep vein thrombosis signs may include swelling or pain in the legs that may develop into a visible blue or black bruise.

Skin cancer may develop in your leg resulting in a raised, hardened area of skin with an irregular surface. This tumor can break through the skin causing blood to ooze out. Skin cancer is usually not painful but it is important to get this checked by your doctor right away. It can be treated if found early on.

Hematoma may appear as red swellings on your legs that you may notice after an injury, such as a fall or bumping into something, or after surgery. It develops after a blood vessel breaks and collects blood under the skin surface. It is a serious condition because it prevents blood from circulating properly. It can be fatal if not treated as soon as possible.

Treatment Options for Varicose Veins and Venous Insufficiency

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If you have varicose veins or venous insufficiency, here are some treatments you may consider:

1.Lifestyle changes: there are some things you can do to help prevent varicose veins and venous insufficiency from getting worse. Avoid standing for long periods of time, wear compression stockings and exercise moderately to improve circulation in your legs. You shouldn’t smoke and drink alcohol in moderation if you want to avoid complications from varicose veins or venous insufficiency.

2.Sclerotherapy: This treatment uses a chemical solution injected into the vein to cause it to shrink thus making it disappear. This procedure is usually done under local anesthetic but requires multiple treatments to be effective. It is permanent and may take several weeks for the vein to disappear completely.

3.Endovenous Laser Treatment: a very thin tube needle is inserted into the vein that has been enlarged with this technique. The venous pathoectasia which causes varicose veins and venous insufficiency, as well as any blood clots, are removed with this treatment too. This treatment takes less than a minute. It has fewer side effects, is safe and effective.

4.Steroid injection: this injection is usually done at the doctor’s office with a local anesthetic to decrease inflammation and pain. It may also be used if you have varicose or callous veins on your legs, abnormal blood clotting that prevents the flow of blood through the vein (phlebitis), or if you are at risk of a blood clot in the veins (DVT). It can also be used preventatively to prevent varicose veins and venous insufficiency from developing in cases where it may occur later on.

5.VenaSeal®: this new treatment seals the vein with a special fabric that is placed within the vein. It is a minimally invasive, permanent treatment lasting about an hour and has none of the complications associated with vein stripping or sclerotherapy.

6.Laser Treatment: it uses heat from a laser to seal the vein’s opening rather than removing blood clots in a vein. This treatment can be used for small veins that are not significantly enlarged and help prevent varicose veins and venous insufficiency from getting worse.

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7.Endovenous Radiofrequency Ablation: uses radio waves to close off the vein that is causing varicose veins and venous insufficiency. Because this procedure uses heat, it can also be used in veins that are cold, such as those in the lower extremities. It is less invasive than sclerotherapy but is more expensive and may require more than one treatment session for long or enlarged vein (vena) treatment.

8.Surgery: may be required if the varicose veins are severe or if they have returned after a conservative (non-surgical) treatment procedure has not worked. Surgery is usually performed at a hospital or clinic, and it is associated with a higher risk of complications. It may also not be necessary in most cases.

9.Nephrolysis: this procedure removes the abnormal vein from the body and stitches it to the skin to prevent recurrence and thrombosis (blood clots). It is usually used for veins that are connected to large veins in your legs such as popliteal (knee) veins.

10.Procedure-directed lasers: uses light from a hand-held laser device to help dissolve blood clots or damaged vein tissue without any side effects or complications.

Why Do My Veins Look Like Bruises – Final Thoughts

As you see, usually the bruises you see under your skin are varicose veins. We have found a downloadable ebook that tells you how to get rid of varicose veins naturally. It’s called ” varicose veins secrets”  Here’s a quick rundown on what it covers:

varicose veins

They offer a 60 day trial of their product. So you have a lot of time to see if it works. Learn more below:

why do my veins look like bruises


Disclaimer: The information in this article is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be used instead of or contrary to that of a medical professional. Before taking supplements, starting a new diet, or embarking on a new exercise regime please consult a medical or nutritional professional. The owners of “Getting Healthy After 50” are not medical professionals and are simply redistributing information that is freely available on the internet. 




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