Yoga For Pain Management

Yoga For Pain Management – What You Should Know

For people over 50 using yoga for pain management is fantastic. This post will explain the benefits of using yoga for pain management. These include increased flexibility, the strength of muscles, and lowering the risk of injury. People over 50 will be able to practice yoga for pain management at home with a few simple items. Yoga for pain management is easy to do with a few key steps. This post will go through the benefits of yoga, how it is practiced at home and why people over 50 should use it in pain management.

The positive benefits of practicing yoga from home include improved flexibility and muscle strength which are essential for everyday life when you’re over 50. With these two things improved it’s likely that injury prevention rises too which can only be a good thing given the high level of falls common among this age group.

Yoga practices help people over 50 not only maintain flexibility but also enhance their hip and leg strength. These are important parts of the body for people over 50 who have a heightened risk of falling. Yoga also helps prevent pain. This is something that can be useful in preventing the pain caused by injuries and arthritis which are common in this age group.

People can do yoga at home without a lot of extra equipment to get started. With all the positives yoga has to offer it would seem strange that anyone would consider trying it rather than doing it at home on their own. The only equipment needed is a suitable space to practice and a yoga mat (or bed). If you want to get out of the house then there are several yoga studios available as well.

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But for those who do want to get in a great workout at home the following is a beginner’s guide to doing it. For starters, you’ll want to find a space in your home that has enough room to stretch out in all directions and someplace that is free of distractions (like television).

Once you have this perfect space set up then all you need is a yoga mat or blanket on the floor. In addition, make sure your knees and ankles are comfortable throughout the postures. You can choose to clothe with long sleeves or long pants which give support and help to cushion along with proper footwear made for exercise (or bare feet). The clothing you choose should be pleasant to wear and allow for good movement.

Yoga For Pain Management

To get started, sit on your mat or blanket in what’s known as the “Seated Mountain Posture.” 

*Put your legs so they are straight in front of you with ankles crossed.

*Bring your hands down on top of your thighs and lean forward at the hips.

*Do not bend the knees, keep them together and straight.

*Now lean forward as far as possible trying to touch the floor.

*Use your arms to push you off the ground, if possible, to increase the stretch.

*Hold for 1-2 minutes or until you feel you can’t stand it any longer.

The next position is the “Standing Forward Fold.” Put your feet together and stand up straight. Bend at the waist until you’re able to place your hands on the floor or a chair. If you have trouble doing this then bend at the knees instead. Hold this pose for 1-2 minutes and repeat 3 times.

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Once you’ve done this then move into the standing pose which is called “Mountain Pose.” This pose is supposed to be done “with no strain to your neck, back, or arms.” For this pose, you can extend the arms forward with palms down as far as possible. Relax the body from head to toe but do not completely fold in half.

There are also several yoga books that offer an explanation of what poses are, how they are to be done and what they’re supposed to accomplish in your body. There are even yoga videotapes available for purchase that can be used without equipment at home or in a yoga studio.

If you are looking for a great home yoga video course you can check out our #1 rated course by clicking here.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be used instead of or contrary to that of a medical professional. Before taking supplements, starting a new diet, or embarking on a new exercise regime please consult a medical or nutritional professional. The owners of “Getting Healthy After 50” are not medical professionals and are simply redistributing information that is freely available on the internet.

The video at the top of this post is from the Christine Stewart Youtube Channel.

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