What Is The Average Age Of Perimenopause

What Is The Average Age Of Perimenopause – What You Should Know

This article will explain what is perimenopause and the average age of women who get it.
Perimenopause happens to most women in the 45-50 range. It begins when a woman’s body starts to change due to ovulation being out of sync with her estrogen levels, causing hormonal fluctuations and irregular ovulation.

The average age of perimenopause is around 50 years old, but it can happen at any age as long as you’re going through menopause (which can be before or after that). There are different rates based on factors like race, socioeconomic status, and ethnicity.

As a woman in perimenopause, you may feel:
– Irregular periods
– Hot flashes
– Sleep disturbances
– Anxiety or depression
– Changes in sexual interest and pleasure

What you can do for perimenopause is talk with your doctor about what options are out there to help. There are different therapies that can make it easier to manage perimenopause, such as hormone therapy, lifestyle changes, and supplements.

You could also try bioidentical hormone creams that will make hormonal fluctuations smoother. It is recommended to get some type of treatment so that you can stay healthy and not have any long-term side effects from perimenopause.

What Is The Average Age Of Perimenopause – What Are The Causes Of Menopause?

There are multiple reasons why a woman will enter menopause. The most common cause is when a woman’s ovaries stop releasing eggs during her childbearing years and she starts having shorter and less regular periods. Other causes include:

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– There are cases of women who stop menstruating before the age of 20. Many of these cases occur due to being exposed to higher than standard levels of environmental toxins like pesticides, herbicides, and plastics.
– Menopause can start before the age of 40 for some women. This happens to more women as we age, which can be related to hormone imbalances and not being able to release eggs at ovulation.

Smoking affects a woman’s body in different ways and can lead to menopause earlier or later than what is normal.
– Certain chemicals such as infertility drugs, certain types of birth control pills, or certain foods and drinks are known to cause hormonal fluctuations that could lead to menopause earlier than normal.
– Alcohol has been a commonly known cause for menopause because it disrupts hormones in the body.
-Stress can also lead to hormone changes and menopause, depending on a woman’s body.

Fertility Problems
– Women who spend long periods of time trying to get pregnant without success can cause them to enter menopause earlier than what is normal.
– Infertility treatments may also lead to entering menopause earlier than normal, which happens in a third of women who try using fertility treatments.
– Certain diseases may affect your ability to get pregnant and/or carry the pregnancy for the term, which could also cause you to enter menopause early than you should.

These are just some of the causes for entering menopause early. There are many other reasons why this can happen.

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What Is The Average Age Of Perimenopause

What Is The Average Age Of Perimenopause – How To Make Transition To Menopause Easier

There are many factors that could affect how a woman goes through menopause and it can be hard to predict. The average age for menopause is around 50 years old, but some women may enter it earlier or later depending on the causes for it. Symptoms of menopause vary from woman to woman and there’s nothing you can do to speed up the process, but there are things you can do to make yourself feel better.

Talking with your doctor about what options are out there for treatment will help you find something that works for you. Some of these options could be hormone therapy, bioidentical hormone creams, lifestyle changes, and supplements.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be used instead of or contrary to that of a medical professional. Before taking supplements, starting a new diet, or embarking on a new exercise regime please consult a medical or nutritional professional. The owners of “Getting Healthy After 50” are not medical professionals and are simply redistributing information that is freely available on the internet.

The video at the top of this post is from the Penn Medicine Lancaster General health Youtube Channel.


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