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Diabetes – One Of The Risk Factors For A Stroke

More concern for those with diabetes. A new study finds that the longer you have this disease, the higher your risk factors for a stroke.

A Safe Maintenance Diet For Your Heart

Lowering down your weight seems easy, but most often people are concerned with keeping the blood-serum risk factors (cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, uric acid) at acceptable levels. There is a great tendency to lose successfully with this diet and then to rapidly regain the weight once the diet is over. You must follow this diet with a balanced 1,00-1,500 calorie diet for 4-6 weeks before you resume normal eating habits.

A Comprehensive Low Cholesterol Food List

A comprehensive low cholesterol food list could be the secret to one’s success on dieting. Rather than listing only foods low in cholesterol and leaving out the undesirable ones, why don’t you come up with a list of all the foods you enjoy eating, in a hierarchy? This way you are not truly leaving the “sinful” food choices, and feel deprived too.

What Is Cholesterol and What Is So Good or Bad About It?

Cholesterol is essential to live and is in every cell of your body. It serves several important vital functions, especially hormonal, neural and digestive. “Good” and “Bad” cholesterol serve different functions and “bad” can clog arteries with inflammation. Learn what levels are healthy, how to reverse problems, and what cholesterol does for you.

4 Little Known Ways to Counter Bad Cholesterol Through Foods

Your physician, family members, relatives, friends, your peers or even your brain always tell you to follow a healthy lifestyle and stay away from fatty oily foods that can contribute to high levels of cholesterol. Everything is becoming routinely – you’re exercising four times a week, you follow a healthy diet, you don’t stress yourself too much, you drank your supplements and meds without having to miss a dose. But what’s next?

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Heart Healthy Food Choices Do Matter

Heart Healthy Food Choices do Matter. Have you ever been tempted to do the right thing? Probably not, but the stress you may feel when you have to choose a heart healthy food, for a delicious calorie crammed alternative, can be unbearable. You know the intense stress that choosing heart healthy food can exert on your psyche. The good news is that wise heart healthy food choices are not hard to make, and do not have to be stressful. Learn how to say no, and discover that doing the right thing is easy.

How To Improve The Health Of Your Heart With Herbs And Supplements

There are many herbs and supplements we can take to strengthen and improve the health of your hearts. Medical doctors know nothing of these so you will have to ask a naturopathic doctor or someone with experience in herbs and supplements about taking these.

Have You Got High Blood Pressure? Natural Alternatives You Have to Know

Did you know that 32% of men and 27% of women have high blood pressure or are on medication? This largely lifestyle related condition responds exceptionally well to dietary and lifestyle modification. Learn how you can control your blood pressure naturally and live a longer, healthier life.

A Cardiologist Offers Help for Heart Issues

Choosing a cardiologist that will offer the best results is important if you are experiencing any problems with your heart. These doctors are trained to understand how the heart works, and they are able to diagnose problems and find solutions. With the latest forms of technology, these doctors have state of the art equipment.

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Top 10 Vital Foods For Lowering High Triglycerides and Cholesterol Levels

This report aims to make available to you the Top Ten Necessary Foods for Lowering Triglycerides and Cholesterol Levels as well as other factors to prevent which will increase your triglycerides and blood cholesterol. Here are a few suggestions to include if you intend to go on a low cholesterol and triglycerides diet.

Avocados: Protecting Against Breast Cancer and Heart Disease

Avocados have numerous health benefits, including containing more potassium than bananas. Adding avocados to your diet can reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. A guacamole and homemade corn chip recipe are included.

Hibiscus Organic Twist

All in all cholesterol can be bad if it is too high. The Hibiscus Organic Twist tea is good to help prevent high cholesterol as well as other sicknesses. The two tropical flavors together, create a tart and fruity tea that is children friendly and wonderful hot or cold. The tea is grown to the best and highest standards of quality control. To be given to everybody, so they can enjoy it and appreciate it in their lives. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: The information in this article is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be used instead of or contrary to that of a medical professional. Before taking supplements, starting a new diet, or embarking on a new exercise regime please consult a medical or nutritional professional. The owners of “Getting Healthy After 50” are not medical professionals and are simply redistributing information that is freely available on the internet. 

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