Uncommon Heart Attack Symptoms

Uncommon Heart Attack Symptoms – What You Should Know

This article will tell you about uncommon heart attack symptoms and why it’s important to know them.

As angina is one of the most common cardiac symptoms, it is important to be aware of other potentially more serious health problems as well.

Not everyone experiences all these signs, but few people would experience any of these symptoms whatsoever. The chances of each of these symptoms occurring is (roughly) 1 in 100.

People who suffer from these symptoms are likely to have a heart attack or get life-threateningly sick. It’s important to note that these symptoms are not unique to people with angina. Any attack can be potentially fatal, and so it is important for the heart attack victim to seek medical attention immediately during an episode so that it can be stopped before it gets worse.

Are you experiencing any of these symptoms? If you are unsure, or if you are experiencing any symptoms that resemble those listed below, then please contact your doctor immediately.

Uncommon Heart Attack Symptoms – What Are The Signs?

Abdominal pain. This pain can range from mild discomfort to severe pain in the upper left part of the abdomen. Both arms may also ache during this time, and numbness/tingling can occur in the fingers. Many people may mistake this for heartburn or other gastric problems. It’s important to note that heartburn typically doesn’t radiate through both arms and numbness/tingling is not a common symptom of heartburn.

Shortness of breath (SOB). During the attack, you may experience shortness of breath or a feeling of not being able to breathe. Your heart will feel like it’s working very hard, and the heartburn may have a tendency to dilate the throat and make breathing a little more difficult.

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Dizziness. This symptom is usually related to heart attack symptoms, but can also be due to other health problems such as dehydration or fainting associated with heat.

Chest pain (both arms). You may feel chest pain in both arms when experiencing an angina attack. The pain is often described as being “electric”. It can radiate up towards the left shoulder and neck area and in rare cases into the neck or right arm.

Fainting. This is not a common symptom of any heart problems, but if you experience fainting then it can be an indication of a serious heart problem.

Uncommon Heart Attack Symptoms

Unusual fatigue. During an angina attack, the heart is working much harder than usual to pump sufficient amounts of blood to the rest of the body. The body quickly becomes tired and weak. Fatigue is often mistaken for other more minor health problems such as stress or lack of sleep. It’s important to note that this fatigue can last for days or weeks after the actual attack itself has ended. If left untreated, this could have negative effects on many aspects of one’s life like work and school performance or even relationships with family and friends.

Extreme shortness of breath. During an attack, you may experience a feeling of not being able to breathe. The breathing becomes extremely labored and heavy, which can cause your face to turn blue or otherwise pale in color.

Uncommon Heart Attack Symptoms – Final Thoughts

The heart attack symptoms listed above are not exclusive to angina and should be taken seriously if you are experiencing any of these.

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If any of these symptoms persist for more than 30 minutes, then it is extremely important that you contact your doctor immediately. If possible, it’s best to have someone else make the call for you in case you become incoherent or disoriented during the attack itself.

As stated above, angina is one of the most common cardiac symptoms, but it is important to be aware of other serious health problems as well. It’s also important to note that these symptoms may not occur during every angina episode.

These symptoms may seem extreme at first, but they are very common among patients with angina. If you experience any of these symptoms, then it’s important that you seek medical care immediately to prevent a heart attack or other life-threatening illness from occurring.

It’s essential for people with angina to know these signs and symptoms so that they can recognize the warning signs and thus be able to prevent a heart attack before it occurs.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be used instead of or contrary to that of a medical professional. Before taking supplements, starting a new diet, or embarking on a new exercise regime please consult a medical or nutritional professional. The owners of “Getting Healthy After 50” are not medical professionals and are simply redistributing information that is freely available on the internet. 

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