How Do I Deal With Shoulder Pain


How To Deal With Shoulder Pain – What You Should Know

Knowing how to deal with shoulder pain is something that anyone who has shoulder pain should know about. In this article, we’ll cover the most common shoulder pain problems as well as different ways that people can deal with them.

The most common type of shoulder pain is called “Shoulder Impingement Syndrome”. This is caused by the excessive pronation of the shoulder joint, which can happen with age, injury, or repetitive use. The pain can be dull or sharp, and it may radiate into the upper arm or forearm. This happens when one bone (the acromion) rubs on the adjacent bone (the head of the humerus).

There is a muscle called the supraspinatus that covers the tendons of the rotator cuff, and it attaches to a small area on top of the bone. This can be sore due to overuse or injury resulting from sports.

Another common cause of shoulder pain is called “Bursitis”, which is characterized by swelling of a bursa (sac) filled with fluid. Swelling can be caused by overuse of the joint, such as playing tennis or golf every day, or it can be caused by exerting force on the joint for an extended time period.

There are several ways to reduce the pain caused by shoulder impingement syndrome. If it is consistently sore when you press on one spot, you could benefit from receiving the services of a massage therapist or physical therapist in addition to making some home modifications.

One of the most important things in managing your shoulder pain is to make sure you rest when you need rest. Be aware that if your pain is constant, attending to other aspects of your life (such as work or school) can be troublesome because of the discomfort that occurs with performing basic daily tasks. Proper sleep patterns are essential for reducing the level of physical pain.

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Physiotherapy can help in the treatment of shoulder pain. However, not all physiotherapists are qualified to provide this form of treatment. If you are diagnosed with an injury or tendinitis, you may want to consider seeking non-surgical treatment through a physical therapist. A physical therapist can monitor your shoulder constantly over time, constantly working to reduce pain and improve strength and range of motion. You may also go to the doctor for medical advice, so be sure to check out what they have to say about your pain.

There are many different types of shoulder exercises that you could do in order to manage your shoulder pain. These exercises can be performed at home. Most of these exercises only require your body weight, which is not much to ask for in terms of lower back pain prevention.

How To Deal With Shoulder Pain

How To Deal With Shoulder Pain – Home Exercises To Relieve Shoulder Pain

Here are a few exercises you can try at home to relieve shoulder pain:

1. Internal and external rotation: This exercise requires a resistance band, so you will need to purchase one if you do not already have one. With this exercise, you will need to lie on the floor and elevate your legs as if you were doing a “reverse crunch”. While lying down with your legs up, take an end of the resistance band and hold it with both hands.

Your arms should be extended in front of you as if you were holding a beach ball. Rotate your arms towards your chest as far as they can go without pain (this is the internal rotation). The resistance should be placed behind your head throughout this movement.

After you have reached your maximum internal rotation, return to the starting position. Do this movement 4 times. Then, for the next exercise, you’ll need to turn your arms towards your chest and lift them up off the floor in an anti-rotation manner. This is an external rotation of your arms. Repeat several times with alternate arm positions.

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2. Side-to-side shoulder contraction: You will need a resistance band for this exercise as well. While sitting at a table, cross one leg over the other at hip height in front of you with back straightening up to form a straight line between your forehead and knee (like when you are sitting in a chair).

Lift and bring your arm to the side of your leg (this is the contraction). Return to the starting position and repeat several times. Then, grab a resistance band and perform this same exercise on the other side.

3. Shoulder external/internal rotation: This exercise requires a resistance band as well as something to hold onto such as a chair or countertop surface so you can keep balance while performing this exercise. Holding onto something enables you to keep balance which is key in keeping from falling over when performing this type of movement with weight added.

You will perform this exercise by standing with your arm extended out to the side. Your arm should be straight. Then, you should rotate your shoulder so it goes from being close to being fully extended from the elbow joint.

The best way to describe this movement is “moving the arm from your chest to your side”. Do this several times on each side, and repeat several times so you can get a good measure of how much pain you have before going on to the next exercise.

Then, for the next exercise, you will need a resistance band and a chair that is low enough for you to stretch out a bit while sitting down on a chair. Hold onto the chair with one hand while performing the shoulder internal rotation exercise.

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The chair should be near a doorway or other stable structure that can hold your weight. There are several ways you can perform this exercise. You can either keep your elbow bent at 90 degrees, or move it to about 180 degrees, which is to say that your palm should be facing downward by the end of the movement.

The key is to focus on having fun while also being careful so you do not injure yourself further.

These exercises are not only great for shoulder pain relief, but they are also excellent forms of back pain prevention as well! If performing these exercises does not relieve your shoulder pain, there are other measures you can take to manage your shoulder pain.

How To Deal With Shoulder Pain – Final Thoughts

Most shoulder injuries heal on their own without the need for surgery. If you injure your shoulder, you should get it checked out by a physician as soon as possible. The sooner you receive care, the less pain and disability you will experience after the injury.

It would benefit yourself and everyone around you to learn how to prevent shoulder injuries in order to keep your shoulders healthy and strong. Check out some of these shoulder pain prevention methods to learn how your shoulders can stay injury-free.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be used instead of or contrary to that of a medical professional. Before taking supplements, starting a new diet, or embarking on a new exercise regime please consult a medical or nutritional professional. The owners of “Getting Healthy After 50” are not medical professionals and are simply redistributing information that is freely available on the internet.

The video at the top of this post is from the Dr. Andrea Furlan Youtube Channel.

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